Saturday, October 20, 2012

Lab 3 - Seasonality and Homemade Barometer


October 21, 2012

Stockholm, Sweden
   Sunrise:  7:41 am   Sunset: 5:23 pm   High: 47 F   Low: 39 F
Athens, Greece
   Sunrise:  7:40 am   Sunset: 6:39 pm   High: 71 F   Low: 62 F
Kigali, Rwanda
   Sunrise:  5:39 am   Sunset: 5:49 pm   High: 77 F   Low: 59 F
Gaborone, Botswana
   Sunrise:  5:37 am   Sunset: 6:25 pm   High: 91 F   Low: 62 F
Cape Town, South Africa
   Sunrise:  5:57 am   Sunset: 7:05 pm   High: 69 F   Low: 56 F

How to make a homemade barometer

1. Cut the end off of a 12" balloon, about an inch from the stem.
2. Stretch it over the top of a glass and pull it tight. Secure the balloon.
3. Cut the end off of a straw so that it has a point.
4. Tape the straw to the center of the balloon.

The straw will rise during a time of high pressure and fall during a time of low pressure.

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